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The Hop Museum in Žatec is the biggest exposition of its kind in Europe. In the area of 4.000 square meters the development of hop industry from the Early Middle Ages until now is shown. In addition to the many exhibits displayed, visitors will see the building, which is of functional industrial architecture from the end of the 19th century to be found in Žatec, famous all over the world for the finest hops. You will learn why the Žatec district became the producer of the best hops in the world and why the Žatec brand has had to be protected against low-quality imitations ever since medieval times. You will be impressed by the charm of the fotographs and writtings about hop-growing and beer-making. You will also find here some agricultural machinery and historical machines.
Virtual visit:
Hop museum cooperates with Hop and Beer temple Žatec. More info:
The HCL 4/C cleaning line is a machine designed to sort the hop cones from the mixture of hop stems, leaves, and other impurities.
Chmelarstvi, druzstvo Zatec is selling hops and hop products through daughter company Bohemia Hop a.s. located in the same building in Zatec town.
Chmelarstvi cooperative offers through Bohemia Hop the finest aroma Saaz hops from the Czech Republic.
In addition we offer a new Czech hybrid varieties bred with a stress on quality aroma profile. Variety Premiant with a higher alpha content and new aroma variety Sladek based on Saaz aroma hops.
Further Bohemia Hop offers another varieties grown in central Europe. Our aim is supplying high quality hop products to our customers.
Stacionární a separační zařízení AT-50 pro sklizeň chmele v podmínkách se střední a vyšší koncentrací chmelnic se sezóním výkonem 50 - 100 ha s minimální potřebou obsluhy.
CHMELAŘSTVÍ, družstvo Žatec, Závod mechanizace je komplex strojních dílen s dlouholetou výrobní a montážní tradicí u nás i v zahraničí. Výrobní program je zaměřen především na oblast strojních zařízení a zemědělskou mechanizaci včetně návrhu a vývoje technologií pro pěstitele chmele.
Závod mechanizace je výrobcem stacionárních česacích linek na chmel PT 30, PT 15. mobilního sklízeče HUN-30 a hranolových lisů HL 60, HL 60/M. Veškeré nabízené výrobky uzpůsobuje konkrétním potřebám a přáním zákazníka. Konstrukční návrhy zpracovává v programu VariCAD a SolidWorks.
Zákazníkům nabízí zámečnické práce, svářečské práce, soustružnické a frézařské práce, lakování v lakovacím boxu, služby pro chmelaře, vinaře a sadaře. Dále nabízí doplňkové služby jako broušení nástrojů, stříhání, ohýbání a skružování plechů.
Zajišťuje prodej a servis tlakových myček a čerpadel COMET; rosičů a potřikovačů Unigreen; hořáků, spalovacích komor a tepelných výměníků pro sušárny chmele; strhávačů a vozíků na chmel Soller.
Vyrábí drátěné pásy pozinkové a nerez pro sušárny chmele, bylin a zeleniny, stroje (ořezávač chmele, boční nosič nářadí, diskový podmítač, kypřič, plečka, pluh, brány), ocelové konstrukce, vrata, mříže, zábradlí, kovové a manipulační palety aj.
Picking technology to harvest hops from fi elds up to 25 ha per season equipped with the latest hop picking advancements with respect to quality of the harvested product.
Harrows are designed for work in all hop growing regions with a maximum grade of 4° in the transverse of longitudinal directions.
A stationary picking line for harvesting hops with a seasonal capacity of up to 30 ha.
This equipment is designed to work the soil between rows in hop fields, vineyards and orchards, especially light and medium soils.
The picking wall serves to pick the cones from the hop vines fed to the picking device by a track.
The hop fi eld deep tiller is designed for deep tilling between hop rows in all hop growing areas with the option of drainage using an auxiliary drainage attachment.
The secondary picker serves to pick hop stems and cone clusters. The initial phase consists of a drum fitted with blades.
Popis neni
An „S“ shaped pocket conveyor with chain leads and sheet metal blades. For the LČCH 2 picking line it replaces the steep pocket conveyor between the inclined belt cleaner and the ADO-129 separator.
The cultivator allows for soil aeration up to a depth of 5 - 20 cm and furrowing towards or away from hop rows. The cultivator may also be used to work in fertilizers (in combination with a liquid fertilizer applicator).
The vine counter is a device for counting the number of vines loaded into the hop picking line.
The hop fi eld plow is designed to plough hop fields with spacing of 3000 mm in all hop growing areas. The fields may be of various shape.
Heavy vacuuming bridging is a technical solution to prevent the shutdown of the heavy vacuuming equipment which removes heavy impurities for LČCH 2, LČCH 4E and LČCH 4M picking machines.
This universal side carrier for hop care tools is used for the spring, summer and winter care of hop plants, especially in places diffi cult to reach for normal tools (in column and anchored rows).
The AKH - 187 low track feeder can replace classic cable feeder tracks for the LČCH - 2 and LČCH - 1 pickers.
This machine is designed for the spring trimming of hop rootstalks in interior hop fi eld rows, meeting the agricultural requirements for all types of soil in hop growing regions.
Váha je určena pro zjištění hmotnosti žoku s chmelem, přiřazení evidenčních údajů k žoku a přenesení naměřených hodnot do celostátního evidenčního systému.
This two-blade cutter is designed for cutting rootstalks in interior or column rows.
This square bale press for hops is used to package cured hops.
The 51-CH rotary humidifier is a system for humidifying air and curing hops to a desired moisture content.
The pocket conveyor for dry hops is designed for the transport of cured hops from the curing system to the storage space on the first floor of the oast house.
The air conditioning system is designed for curing of dried hops to a desired humidity in belt and chamber driers.
Towed sprayers used to protect hops which can also be used in orchards and vineyards.
The water air purifi er is part of the curing system for regulating air humidity in belt or chamber driers.
Towed sprayers used to protect hops which can also be used in orchards and vineyards.
CHMELARSTVI, cooperative Zatec hosted the participants of the International Hop Growers Convention
The IHGC congress returned to Zatec and Prague after 25 years in the last week of July. Almost 200 hop growers from 11 countries took part at the congress – Germany, USA, Slovenia, Great Britain, Poland, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and Czech republic.
One whole day of the congress was devoted to a visit of the Saaz hop growing region with CHMELARSTVI and Bohemia Hop as the main congress partners. The hop growers from around the wolrd had a chance to visit 4 hop farms – Loužek, s.r.o., Agrofarma Karel Dittrich Lenešice, Emil Bureš Hopservis Holedeč and Jaroslav Šůma, Tuchořice. At all the farms they saw hop picking technology produced by CHMELARSTVI and had an expert guide.
The lunch and early afternoon programme was hosted by CHMELARSTVI directly in the hop storage and hop processing facility. This part was started by the cooperative chairman Mr. Zdenek Rosa with the introduction of all departments and their heads – Mr. Podsednik, Mr. Hajek, Mr. Strnad, Mr. Roska and the director Mr. Maršíček.
The tour of the facility included introduction of the hop processing into pellets type 90 and type 45, cold storages for hops and hop products and there was also an exhibition of special hop machinery produced by CHMELARSTVI at the courtyard.
The visit of Zatec continued with the welcome from the town mayor and Zatec hop defense group in the main square and a walk to Hop museum that is also owned and run by CHMELARSTVI. The evening programme took place in the gardens of Steknik chateau whichi are surrounded by hop fields.
The expert guides for the day came from Bohemia Hop and CHMELARSTVI.
Towed sprayers used to protect hops which can also be used in orchards and vineyards.
Tradition and quality of Saaz hops means a commitment to processing of this hops according to world market requirements. Chmelarství, druzstvo Zatec follows in this way tradition of many private companies, which were up to the 1930's packing and trading in hops.
The requirements of customers have radically changed since that time. Packing to growers bales or ballots began to decline in 1970´s in favour of hop pellets. It was at first the production of hop powder, which was after several years replaced entirely by production of hop pellets. Even pelleting of hops has undergone its development. At first there were pellets type 90, packed with the use of vacuum. Since 1985 pellets in Zatec are packed using the so called soft system, that is commonly used in the world.
Ever increasing requirements for hop pellets made it necessary to build another processing facility in Zatec. This facility started its operation in the spring 1993 for type 90 and in the winter of the same year also for concentrated pellets, i.e. type 45. This means that we are currently able to fulfil all requirements of our customers in this particular sphere.
As mentioned above, Chmelarství, druzstvo Zatec pays extraordinary attention to processing of hops. Evidence of this could also be the fact that in April 1999 the Zatecký chmel plant passed successfully through an international audit according to ISO 9002. The audit was carried out by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance.
Processing of hops requires a continuous supervision of quality, especially following materials and gases:
-quality and suitability of foils for packing of pellets
-quality and required parameters of cartons with regards to type of packaging
-required purity of used inert gases, in our case CO2 and N2
Chmelarství, druzstvo Zatec carefully observes problems in production of barrier foils of several European manufacturers and in co-operation with their specialists evaluates possibilities of production of foil that would fulfil all requirements for packing of taking into account price of the foil. These foils are then tested by specialists of manufacturing companies directly on packing machines of Chmelarství. Only foils that were successful in all criteria in these demanding tests are used for packing itself. Parameters of supplied foils are checked by an independent specialised company.
In the area of cartons we are also co-operating with the largest producers of cartons in Europe. Our aim is to secure such cartons that would fulfil all criteria of current market. I mean especially the strength parameters of cartons with regards to weight of packing, type of emptying at final delivery place and the form of storing and transport.
Chapter in itself could be predicting of risks especially in the case of international shipments and possible damage of cartons or bags.
Hop pellets are checked mechanically as well as in laboratory for intactness of foil and to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of inert gas inside of the bag.
The laboratory of our company is also certified and carries out all usual analysis according to EBC or MEBAK. The company takes part in a number of circle tests for research of possible differences amongst laboratories of foremost customers to ensure the quality of work of our laboratory.
Air-conditioned storage facility with the temperature +5oC was build in Zatec to ensure a proper storing. This temperature secures storing minimal loss of alpha substances during long-term. The year-round use of this storage facility confirms the fact that in this sphere the trend is in using refrigerated storage.
Aside from its business in the area of processing Chmelarstvi, druzstvo Zatec also observes new trends in related areas. For example a new type of hop press for growers has been developed that will optimise storing in cold storage with regard to its maximum use. Its effect on quality and storing is closely observed together with issues of air-conditioning of hops.
From the perspective of the use of hops in brewing specialists from Chmelarstvi, Zatec are following closely also other forms of hop processing and are trying to ascertain in the laboratory their suitability for Saaz semi-early red-bine hops, with regards to isomeration of hop pellets or extraction. Our aim is a continuous improvement of quality of our service and expanding of our offer.
The trailer is designed for the transport of hops vines from high trellis hop fi elds to the picking machinery.
Chmelarstvi, druzstvo Zatec is an organisation comprising almost all Czech hop-growers with around 90 % of the hop acreage in the Czech Republic.
The history of he organisation is several decades long and in the current form it operates since 1992. CHMELARSTVI, druzstvo Zatec focuses especially on hop processing and hop trading. Further areas of business are hop mechanization, hop trellis construction and hop storing. Main aim of our orgainisation is providing wide range of services to companies as well as private persons cultivating hops in the traditional regions of the Czech Republic. The structure of the organisation corresponds to these requirements and it is able to react on changing situation on the domestic as well as the world market.
In 1999 the company was as awarded the quality certificate for purchase, storage, processing and sale of hops according to international standards ISO 9002, and now after the norms were updated 9001:2000. The certificate was issued by world known company Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance.
New requirements of world breweries in the area of hygiene regulations and standards led us to indroduction of audit system HACCP in October of 2014.
Mgr. Zdenek Rosa, BA, chairman
ing. Milan Marsicek, managing economic director
The grabber is constructed to grasp, cut, and pull hop vines, which then fall into the hop trailer.
V roce 1999 získalo družstvo osvědčení systému řízení kvality pro činnosti nákupu, skladování, zpracování a prodeje chmele dle mezinárodních norem ISO 9002 po novelizaci dle norem ISO 9001:2000. Osvědčení vydala světově uznávaná společnost Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance.
Nové požadavky nejvýznamnějších světových pivovarů v oblasti plnění hygienických předpisů a norem nás dovedly rovněž k zavedení auditovaného systému HACCP v listopadu roku 2003.
Také přijímáme zodpovědnost za ochranu životního prostředí ve všech provozech a procesech spojených s naší činností.
Další informace jsou k dispozici v těchto dokumentech:
The HUN 30 hop picker is a mobile machine pulled by a tractor designed to harvest hops in hop fields with vertical trellis systems up to 3 m high.
CHMELAŘSTVÍ, družstvo Žatec
Mostecká 2580
438 01, Žatec
Czech Republic
phone: +420 415 733 709, 710
fax: +420 415 733 306
Management of the company:
Mgr. Zdeněk Rosa BA, chairman
phone: +420 415 733 307
mobile: +420 606 304 618
Ing. Milan Marsicek, managing economic director
phone: +420 415 733 307
mobile: +420 724 917 287
Trading department
Mostecká 2580
438 01, Žatec
Katerina Svecova, department manager
tel.: +420 415 733 113
mobil: +420 737 378 156
Ing. Vladimir Seretka, sales director
phone: +420 602 315 193
fax: +420 415 733 315
Hop processing department
Mostecká 2580
438 01, Žatec
Milan Strnad, department manager
phone: +420 415 727 520
mobile: +420 607 587 181
Jitka Strnadová, logistics and deputy department manager
phone: +420 415 733 212
Machinery department
Svatováclavská 618
438 01, Žatec
Ing. Jan Podsedník, department manager
phone: +420 415 727 417, 418, 420
mobile: +420 602 470 751
fax: +420 415 727 419
Ing. Jan Melč, business manager
phone: +420 415 727 417
mobile: +420 727 962 601
Services department
Zeyerova 3253
438 01, Žatec
Ctirad Roška, department manager
phone, fax: +420 415 712 418
mobile: +420 602 708 410
Tršický chmel
č.p. 487
783 57, Tršice
Ing. Zdeněk Gregor, department manager
phone, fax: +420 585 957 227
mobile: +420 732 819 365
Hop museum in Žatec town
phone:+420 415 710 062, +420 724 431 422
Virtual visit